On the Violence in Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas

images-31The horrific murders that have happened recently, and continue to happen against innocent people are terrible! It doesn’t matter who the perpetrator is or their reason, violence against the innocent is wrong.

Everybody is crying out for justice. Have we forgotten? Justice is defined and demanded by God! When will we learn, we will never experience justice as long as we seek it outside of His ways and without His guidance?

Take comfort and let the word go forth. Justice will be done! Almighty God will exact justice on all of those who shed innocent blood. Black or White, no matter religious preference, or privilege each will experience the full wrath of God. God has no love for those that shed innocent blood. His word says…

Pr 6:16 These six things doth the Lord hate: Yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,

Now, let us come together and renounce violence in all its forms against the innocent. Let us in one voice pray and call upon our God, repent of our ignoring Him to seek our own solutions and then ask of Him who is able, …let judgment run down as waters, And righteousness as a mighty stream. (Am 5:24)

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