Ministries Overview
Campus Safety
Campus Safety is composed of men who have volunteered to be “watchmen on the wall” (Isaiah 62:6). These men are charged with maintaining a safe environment for all persons to worship God at GLC, and to act as wards of the property God has blessed and entrusted us with. Those who are committed to serving should contact Elder William Jordan at or call 205-365-7233.
Community Outreach Ministry
Community Outreach Ministry focuses on the needs of our community and periodically spearheads projects and events that are designed to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Members who are passionate about evangelism and would like to serve in this ministry can contact Pastor Lawrence Conaway at or 205-380-4790 or 205-281-2997.
CREW - College Ministry
CREW – Christians Ready, Equipped, and Willing, college ministry -- for college students ages 18-24. Students can become members as high school seniors. CREW hosts events throughout the year to support high school students as they begin thinking about college. CREW hosts the annual scholarship drive and presentation. A strong social media presence is the growth plan. CREW also hosts online bi-weekly bible study and a current events RAP session. To join, contact Minister Cathy Noye at or 205-380-4796.
Fine Arts Ministries
Fine Arts Ministry is a ministry of people joined together to glorify God with our gifts and talents in all worship experiences. Though we all have different gifts and various ways of expressing those gifts, we maintain a unified focus of serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in ministering to others in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Ministry areas include the at or 205-380-4797. Contact Elder LeTangelon Broadnax at or 205-380-4787
GLC Bookstore
GLC Bookstore was established in 1996 in association with The Guiding Light Church, primarily to provide resources for its members. In keeping with the ministry’s vision “to build and maintain an army of saints that will inflict severe and heavy casualties upon the enemy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the GLC Bookstore has endeavored to equip those saints with the tools needed to obtain the knowledge and spiritual maturity required to do the work of ministry. The bookstore offers an assortment of books, reference materials, gifts, and apparel. If you would like to volunteer in the bookstore, contact Deacon Gwen Boyd at or 205-380-4785.
GLC Cafe
GLC Café operates as an auxiliary of the GLC Bookstore on Sundays, 2nd and 4th, from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., serving a variety of freshly prepared menu items, including salads, snack foods, and meal plates. Online ordering is available at If you would like to volunteer in the café, contact Deacon Gwen Boyd at or 205-380-4785.
Greeters are women who serve as ambassadors of kindness to everyone in everything. They serve as doorkeepers to the house of the Lord to meet, greet, address, and welcome all those who enter the church. Contact Deacon Angela Brown at or 205-790-3943.
House of Refuge
House of Refuge is a ministry dedicated to showing love to young ladies who are facing unexpected pregnancies. These ladies are provided physical, emotional, and spiritual support during and after their pregnancy. If you have the gift of mercy or giving and would like to serve in this ministry, contact Minister Leria Jordan at or 205-380-4797.
MEDIC Ministry
MEDIC Ministry – Miraculous Evidence of Deliverance in Christ promotes health and healing through prayer, study of the Word, healthy eating, exercise, fitness, and other wellness strategies. The MEDIC team is made up of healthcare workers and other volunteers who are available during Sunday Worship Service and special events to assist with medical emergencies. The MEDIC team sponsors regular Sunday health screenings, semi-annual blood drives, flu clinics, CPR certification classes, wellness classes, Contact Elder Charlena H. Bray at or 205-380-4786.
Media Ministry
Media Ministry is a team that provides audio and video for the GLC campus and online services. For more information or to volunteer, contact Sister Dolores Summerville at or 205-380-4810.
Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is a fellowship of godly men who work to provide interaction with other godly men. Through Sunday School classes, special events, and social gatherings, the brothers endeavor to build a cohesive force of praying men who are assets to their families, church, and community. If you are interested in joining the Men’s Ministry, contact Deacon Plaz Bolden at 205-777-4836.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is an extension of Bishop’s (the Pastor’s role) and is congregational care and support from the cradle to the grave in these areas – Baptism; Baby dedication; Benevolence; Correspondence including birthdays and wedding anniversaries; Communion; Counseling; DP 12 small groups; Education; Emergency member services; Funerals, gravesides, memorial services, family meals; Hospital visitations including nursing homes, rehab facilities, in-home; New members and new member graduations; Online texting for prayer, visitors, salvation; Prayer; Prison; Social media; Weddings. Contact Pastor Lawrence Conaway at or 205-281-2997 or 205-380-4790; or Minister Joseph Parker at or 205-380-4806.
Prayer Warriors Ministry
Prayer Warriors is a Bible-centered, prayer-focused pastoral care ministry team that seeks to inflict severe and heavy casualties upon the enemy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through prayer. The mission, in prayer, is to promote healing, deliverance, and reconciliation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Contact Pastor Corey Davis at or 205-470-1613 to learn more or volunteer.
Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry, for the past 20 years, has partnered with Prison Fellowship Ministries to provide Christmas gifts to the children of incarcerated parents. GLC, through its Angel Tree Program is able to extend the hope of the Gospel and the love of Christ to these families. The ministry also works one-on-one and in groups with the boys through Alabama Youth Services Detention for Boys, Vacca Campus. For more information, contact Minister Rubin Stinson at or 205-427-0812.
Senior Outreach and Empowerment Ministry
Senior Outreach and Empowerment Ministry facilitates and maintains meaningful and purposeful connections among GLC seniors through labors of love, social, and educational events. The team works to empower, encourage, and engage seniors through outreach and spiritual support. To learn more or volunteer, contact Minister Natalie Washington at
SWAT – Spiritual Warfare & Tactics – This monthly class will teach you how to identify satan’s schemes and attacks against you and your family while equipping you with the tools that God has given you to defeat the devil. For more information about the class, contact the teacher, Minister Victor Smith at or 205-410-4872.
Teen Ministry
Teen Ministry is for ages 13 to 18 years. The mission is to assist in training and developing youth into Godly men and women. Meetings and events are designed to lead teens to Christ, make disciples, foster the development of Godly relationships, and equip teens to serve in the body of Christ. Teens are provided the opportunity to sing, pray, read and study the Word, answer biblical and practical questions, debate issues, and speak before their peers. If interested in joining the Teen Ministry, contact Elder Le’Tangelon Broadnax at Le’ or 205-380-4787; or contact Minister Cathy Noye at or 205-380-4796.
Ushers and Parking Lot Attendants
Ushers & Parking Lot Attendants – Both ministries are extensions of Bishop and the church. and meant to serve and assist God’s people, the church, and Bishop. They are the eyes and ears of the church serving in different capacities from the parking lot to the sanctuary assuring the safety and order of those who attend. Inside the building, the usher serves to meet and greet people and assist them with seating. They, along with Campus Safety, maintain order and assure a safe environment for those in attendance. The parking lot attendant serves in the parking lot and is the first contact for all coming onto the grounds. They maintain order in the parking lot directing traffic and parking cars. If you would like to volunteer with either team, contact Deacon Billy Dussett at
Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry is committed to encouraging women to maximize their divine potential in Christ. If you enjoy making new friends and desire to grow in your walk with the Lord, you’ve found the right place! You’ll enjoy our relevant Bible studies, small group fellowships, support groups designed to help you through every phase of life. We’d love to have you join us. If interested, contact Deacon Angela Brown at
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry – Children are a blessing from the Lord and favored here at GLC. Nursery and Children’s Church meet in BibleLand where children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years, are taught the Word of God in creative and exciting ways. “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Parents, visit our youth center in BibleLand to receive more information and get answers to your questions. If interested in joining the Youth Ministry, contact Elder Le’Tangelon Broadnax at Le’ or 205-380-4787; or contact Minister Cathy Noye at or 205-380-4796.