How should one live life on earth in such a way to achieve maximum gain for eternity? Life does not end at death, life continues on afterwards. Because a person is successful in this life, it does not mean they are successful eternally.

To measure success according to the world standards is short sighted and fails to consider one’s life after death. Eternity, and one’s status in eternity is all that truly matters.

There are two facts you should know, 1) God knew you before you were born and wrote the purpose you were to fulfill here on earth in His Book 2) Eternal success is guaranteed by fulfilling the purposes for which God created you.

There are three steps you must undertake to secure your eternal success 1) Determine the gifts that God has given you to work with. 2) Daily develop and perfect those gifts using what is in your hand. 3) Journey boldly and courageously on The Narrow Road God has prescribed for your life to give him glory.

Your eternal success is guaranteed by fulfilling the purposes for which God created you.

A Daily Prayer for eternal success: “Show me Lord what I can do this day, that will give you more glory today, than what I did yesterday!”

Hebrews 9:27. Luke 12:16-21. Mark 16:26. Psalms 139:16. Jeremiah 1:4-5. Romans 8:28-30. Matthew 6:20. Romans 8:30. Revelation 22:12 Daniel 12:2-3. First Corinthians 3:11-15 revelations 20:11-15. Matthew 25.