Bible Study Notes
You will have to be willing to stand apart from everyone else? You are not of the world!
- We must stand together against the world (Love one another John 15:12)
- Every one of us is different but we must stand together to accomplish what we are each called to do.
- I cannot stand without you. You cannot stand without me. We need the other. (1 Cor 12:12-14, 20, 25)
Satan used the independence of the woman to cause the fall of both. We must maintain our unity in the Spirit (Eph 4:1-5 )
- The world is not your friend. John 15:18-19
- The life of David proves a man must be willing to stand apart from everyone else for God to do great things through him.
- Saul had failed (1 Sa 13:8-13,14) in the eyes of the Lord. Who else was told they had done foolishly? 2 Chr 16:9
- He feared the people. He was not willing to stand apart with God
- He did what please them and not what pleased God (1 Sam 15)
- He was a man of the people. He refused to make distinction for God. He went along with the people.
- David was different
- He was doing the work his Father had assigned to him (1 Sam 16:11)
- He was not looking for the glory from the people. He live for a different purpose (1 Sam 13:14)
- His focus was on tending to the flock of sheep his father gave him (1 Sam 17:34)
- The flock represent the people of God
- Remember, he dealt with the bear in the lion to protect the flock
- The Flock was not his but his father’s
- David had a zeal for the things of God
- He thought different from everyone else (1 Sam 17:26)
- He operated on faith while others operated on fear
- David’s brothers were like the rest of the world. They were not unusual. They fit in with everybody else
- They were considered special by the world. Special enough to fight
- David was considered special by God
- Just like Saul they were accepted by everyone else
- David was rejected by everyone else
- His brothers were considered mature and ready to fight in the army of Saul. They were ready to follow a leader of the world even when the leader was not willing to follow God. Why are so many of us willing to follow men and not God?
- They did not stand out in the crowd. They were like the rest of the world. Following things of the world (a man)
- God chose David, who stood out from the rest of the world but rejected by everyone else. He made distinction for God and god made distinction for him
- He was belittled because he was a shepherd and he did not look like everyone else
- All of the other soldiers took their comfort in the armor of man. David rejected the armor of men and believed in the armor of God (1 Sam 17:39)
- The rest of the men refuse to take a stand. They were not willing to stand up for Saul, the one they served, or for God, the one who had created them.
- The people of the world are not reliable
- Goliath represent the demons and the people of the world. Remember, his ancestry was part son of God and daughter of men.
- The kingdom of God will always be challenged by men and demons
- All of the soldiers fled and would not take a stand
- David again stood out apart from the rest. He was willing to make distinction for the honor of God
- David was rebuked by his brothers and Saul
- The world will encourage you to doubt what God tells you
- He was slandered by his older brother. His own family!
- Everyone told him it was not possible to be done.
- David was willing to trust God. He was willing to be different for God.
- God would do different for him.
- David was willing to risk his life and his future for the honor of God.
- He went forward to fight Goliath. His trust was in God.
- The world and the demons represented by Goliath also challenged him. They threaten him with the destruction of his life.
- Secured by his faith that God had made distinction before, he trusted that God would make distinction again.
- His words were spoken for the honor of God.
- He aggressively and boldly defended the honor of God. Very few will stand for the honor of God!
- A man’s talent will make room for him if he’s willing to use it
- They did not stand out in the crowd. They were like the rest of the world. Following things of the world (a man)
- They were considered special by the world. Special enough to fight
- Saul had failed (1 Sa 13:8-13,14) in the eyes of the Lord. Who else was told they had done foolishly? 2 Chr 16:9