“I Have Perfect Peace In God!”
Pastor Jim Lowe III
Sunday Morning,
04/10/22 (2nd Sunday Message)
{All scriptures are NIV84 unless stated}
Galatians 5:22
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things
We’ve now talked about love and joy.
Today we begin to talk about peace.
I taught a message on Peace in August of last year, so I’ll be referencing some from it today.
From the Hebrew: “Shalom”
Means to “be whole, complete.”
Having peace means having “wholeness” or “being complete.”
But each of us may have a different definition of what “peace” looks like.
To Some It Comes From ‘Peace And Quiet:’
The idea of peace comes from a quiet vacation.
You see adds and commercials of people sitting in a hammock.
with a favorite drink.
looking at some ocean.
It’s quiet…it’s secluded…it’s “peaceful.”
no one is bothering you.
you’re isolated from others.
You have time to rest…to THINK to
leave your stressful situations behind.
To Others ‘Peace And Quiet’ Isn’t The Answer For Them:
To this group, quiet doesn’t equal peace.
This group has different struggles that may even be internal.
It’s been said our own minds can be
We are trying to regroup from covid, and there are MANY articles referencing what it’s done.
Many articles are referencing a mental health crisis we may be part of now.
Over The Last 2 Years, There’s Been An Increase In Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Addictions And More
Because part of COVID included a LOCKDOWN where people were isolated…
This idea of more seclusion and isolation won’t be the thing to bring peace.
It puts us more in a position to be in our own mental space.
Thoughts of work…(do we have a job now…can we work BACK in the office?)
Thoughts of society…(wars, gas, food, inflation, possible recession)
Thoughts of our future…what are we doing?
What type of affect does
So peace looks different for this group.
If you research peace OUTSIDE of God,
You’ll find a list of many things to try.
They call it your Inner Peace.
Some Ways To Find Your Inner Peace:
Go Outside, Meditate, Clean Up Your House, Listen To Music, Sleep
This isn’t a bad list.
These things COULD be effective.
But we can’t forget that while all these are things can CAN bring peace,
We Have Something That Will Bring Peace!
John 14:27
27 Peace I leave with you; my
Jesus is speaking.
He does not give to us as the world gives.
Interesting way to say that.
Christ leaves peace.
He leaves HIS peace.
He doesn’t give as the world gives.
The World Tries To Help You Find Your
Jesus told us in John 15:5 that if we are in him and him in us we WILL bear fruit!
Because Galatians tells us that Peace IS a fruit.
If We Have The Right Relationship With Christ, We Have Access To
This is all because we have the right relationship with God.
Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our
This isn’t just a “potential” type of peace.
This isn’t just a “maybe” type of peace.
This isn’t something that MAY work for you…
This is something that WILL work for you!
Isaiah 26:3
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.
Scripture tells us 2 things:
{Isaiah 26:3}
1. Keeping Our Mind On God Keeps Us In His Peace
2. The Peace God Shares Is Perfect Peace
This is how the relationship works.
Our minds are on God.
Our relationship is where it should be.
If our minds are on him, he will keep us in peace!
But it’s not the same peace you can find on our own.
It’s the most perfect peace you can find!
1 Corinthians 14:33 (NKJV)
For God is not the author of confusion but of
God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.
“God did not author confusion.”
“God authors peace.”
What is an author?
When you author a book…you write it.
You CREATE that literary work.
It is YOURS.
Can others write about it?
But yours is the original.
In music, people can “borrow” your music for their songs.
But they have to give you credit as the original author.
If they don’t, they can get
Ever noticed someone listening to a song?
The song is clearly using a sample from another popular song?
Or the song is a literal remake of an older song?
The Problem Comes When People Credit The Copies As Being The Original
We can’t forget where true peace comes from.
What Peace Can The Original Bring?
Matthew 14:22-24
22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24 but
We know the story.
After feeding 5,000.
Jesus goes to pray.
He sends the disciples ahead of him.
They battled the wind.
Verse 25-29
25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified.
During the 4th watch.
According to (v.23)
They were working…straining for 8-12 hours non stop.
They can’t take breaks
The wind doesn’t let up.
They’re overworked!
They’re tired!
They think Jesus is a ghost.
Then Peter goes out after him.
Peter is walking ON this water towards Jesus.
Verse 30-33
30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out,
Let’s identify what this really is:
8-12 hours!
Peter is walking
(v.30) …when he SAW the wind…
-Peter Saw The Continuing
Jesus grabbed Peter and the two of them climbed into the boat.
Verse 32
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died
-The Storm Didn’t End Until They Climbed Into The Boat
Which means the storm was going on the entire time.
(v.29) Peter is WALKING ON WATER DURING the storm!
(v. 30) Peter didn’t sink until he started to focus on the storm.
He took his eyes off
Peter was able to find peace DURING The storm.
Having Peace Doesn’t Mean The Absence Of Problems!
Remember we can’t live life thinking that we are exempt from problems.
We will have problems.
We have problems right now!
Something is going
Something to take our attention.
Something to steal our peace!
Jesus said it would happen!
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome
Christ tells us in the MIDDLE of everything.
Through all our depression.
Through all our anxiety.
Through all our addictions.
Through all our troubles…
We Can Have Perfect Peace In Christ!
This means you might not see an answer to your
Just like the weather:
We never know when our personal storms will end.
We never know when those people will stop lying on us.
We never know when that trial will come to an end.
We never know when that pain will stop.
We never
But we DO know:
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
We KNOW God Will Work It Out!
We already know the end of the
But EVEN while we’re waiting on him to work it out…
We Can Be At Peace Because God Is With Us THROUGH The Storm!
Here’s the last part of God’s peace:
When did the storm end?
When they climbed in the boat.
While Peter was with Jesus…where were
In the boat.
And if the storm was still going on…
The other disciples were still straining.
But not Peter…
He was at peace with Jesus.
When Others Are Going Through Their Trials, You Can Be At Peace!
Don’t think just because others are suffering you have to.
God can give you Joy AND Peace in the middle of your circumstances.
“Today I Will Have Perfect Peace In God!”