We Believe

The Bible (the original writing}, in its entirety, is God's revealed Word, inerrantly inspired by
the Holy Spirit, and infallibly authoritative for all who submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

  • That there is one God, the Creator and Sustainer of all life, eternally existent in three persons:
    Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • In the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth, true humanity, and sinless life; in His
    miracles; in His substitutionary death and shed blood on the cross for man's sins; in His bodily
    resurrection from the dead; in His ascension and exaltation to the right hand of the Father where
    He presently reigns as Lord and High Priest.
  • That all people are born with a sinful nature and manifest the fruit of that nature early in life;
    man's only hope of salvation is through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ for the
    forgiveness of sins.
  • In water baptism by immersion as the believer's confession of crucifixion, burial, and
    resurrection with Jesus Christ and co-union with Him.
  • In the baptism of the Holy Spirit as the Father's promise for all believers, empowering them for
    witness and ministry through the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • In God's call to a holy life separated from sin and corrupted values of the world, and to a life
    of growth in the character and ministry of Christ our Lord.
  • In the Lord's Supper as a remembrance or our deliverance from sin and as an expression of our
    shared life and our communion with Him as Lord and Christ.
  • In the personal return of Jesus Christ and the consummation of this age; in the resurrection of the
    dead and in His judgment of all mankind; the righteous will inherit new heavens and a new earth,
    the unrigh­teous will be banished to eternal punishment.