This message lists several biblical ways in which you may live your life fulfilling the purpose for which God created you. Many people come up short. They live their lives for their purposes. These biblical examples reveal how you can be certain you are doing the things that are pleasing to God. A few are listed below.

Make a commitment to glorifying him.
Confess your sins to him.
Believe him.
Defend his honor.
Be fruitful!
Be content whatever state you are in.
Work out your salvation.
Live your life for him.
Rejoice in him.
Stand up for his word.
Give him praise.
Be zealous for his name.
Do everything for his glory.
Be a witness and convert others to him.
Suffer for his name.
Give him the glory for all you do.
Live a holy life.
Each one of the above listed with Scripture references so that you may compare your life to those of Scripture.