Making an Impact Part 3 / Many Hands Make Light Work
DOWNLOAD PDF “Many Hands Make Light Work!” (Making An Impact pt. 3) Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 08/25/24 (4th Sunday Message) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #Spirit #heart #willpower #surrender #love #showinglove #loveofGod #loveofChrist #repentance #serving #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod #treasure #complaining #God’speace {All scriptures are NIV84 unless stated} Message Title: “Many Hands Make Light Work!” (Making An Impact pt. 3) 1 Corinthians 12:12 12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. Each of us has many parts to our bodies… but they all make up us.
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