Close The Vents! (Heart Vs Habit part 7)

DOWNLOAD PDF “Close The Vents!” (Heart Vs Habit part 7)” (Final Version) Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 04/14/24 (2nd Sunday) (Final Version) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod #treasure #tithesandofferings #money {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated} Message Title: “Close The Vents!” (Heart Vs Habit part 7)” We have been saying that 2024 will be a special year for many.   2024 Will Be A Year Of Favor For The Faithful! We have been doing a LOT of checking ourselves this year. We are trying to make sure WE are showing ourselves faithful to God! Bishop taught LAST WEEK about Rebellion against God! The point is to see WHERE are are falling short with God. If we don’t want the favor… we don’t have to be faithful… But the worst thing is to THINK we are doing the

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Rebellion or Refuge? The Choice of Peril or Peace

DOWNLOAD PDF Rebellion or Refuge 04072024  Rebellion or Refuge? The Choice of Peril or Peace   The Book of Psalms contains a chapter that speaks to The History of Reality—the reality of universal human rebellion against God’s authority to establish His kingdom. Understand that all humans rebel against God. Rebellion is ingrained in us. We resist His Lordship over us. 

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It’s Not About Money. It’s About Mindset!

DOWNLOAD PDF “It’s Not About Money, It’s About Mindset!” {Heart vs. Habit p.6} (Final Version) Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 03/17/24 (3rd Sunday Message) (Final Version) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod #treasure #tithesandofferings #money   {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated} Message Title: “It’s Not About Our Money, It’s About Our Mindset!” {Heart vs. Habit p.6} {Likely WILL start with title this time} Matthew 6:19-21 19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and

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More Money, More Problems! {Heart vs. Habit p.5}

DOWNLOAD PDF   “More Money, More Problems!” {Heart vs. Habit p.5} (Final Version) Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning,  9:30am Stream 03/10/24 (2nd Sunday Message) (Final Version)   hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith  #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry  #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod #treasure #tithesandofferings #money   {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated}   Message

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Where Is Our Real Treasure? Heart vs. Habit p.4

DOWNLOAD PDF “Where Is Our Real Treasure?” Heart vs. Habit p.4 Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 03/03/24 (1st Sunday Message) (Final Version) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod #treasure #tithesandofferings #money   {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated}   Message Title: “Where Is Our Real Treasure?” Heart vs. Habit p.4 2 Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self- control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash,

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Finding Complete Peace by Casting – Not Carrying

DOWNLOAD PDF 02/25/2024   Finding Complete Peace  by Casting - Not Carrying!!   1 Pe 5:6–7 (NKJV) — 6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.    Principle Points To be accepted, (without debate/discussion/argument!!) Troubles

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Heart vs Habit Part 3 – Don’t Let Someone Else Come Between You And God

DOWNLOAD PDF “Heart vs. Habit p.3 - Don’t Let Someone Else Come Between You And God!” Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 02/18/24 (3rd Sunday Message) (Final Version) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod   {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated}   Message Title: “Heart vs. Habit p.3 - Don’t Let Someone Else Come Between You

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Heart vs Habit Part 2: Finding The Heart To Forgive

DOWNLOAD PDF “Heart vs. Habit p.2 - Finding The Heart To Forgive" {Final} Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 02/11/24 (2nd Sunday Message) (Final Version) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod   {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated}   Message Title: “Heart vs. Habit p.2 - Finding The Heart To Forgive"  I shared this scripture last week: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self- control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4

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Heart vs. Habit: How To Develop A Deeper Heart For God

DOWNLOAD PDF “Heart vs. Habit: How To Develop A Deeper Heart For God” Pastor Jim Lowe III Sunday Morning, 9:30am Stream 02/04/24 (1st Sunday Message) (Final Version) hashtags: #guidinglight #pastorjim #givingthanks #hearinggod #hearing #voiceofGod #faith #whatdoesGodsay #forgiveness #Godworks #savedtoserve #overflow #protector #Expectation #worry #Favor #deliverance #listeningears #Godspeaks #blessings #servingGod #heartafterGod   {All scriptures are “NIV84” unless stated}   Message Title: “Heart vs. Habit: How To Develop A Deeper Heart For God” We are moving into the 2nd month! All last month we talked about getting ready for the blessing. God has declared: 2024: A Year of Favor For The Faithful! Meaning if we show ourselves faithful…we receive the favor. For those who have been showing themselves faithful to the Lord this year…   God Is Going To Start Overflowing The Blessings In The Lives Of Those Who Have Been Faithful To Him! Last month we

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